Teens VS. Teen Acne
being a teenager today is tough. There is pressure to look and be a certain way. And though part of my job is social media, I can’t say I love the way it can affect people’s self-esteem. Filters and Photoshop are magic and what you are seeing isn’t always what is there. And sometimes what you aren’t seeing, breakouts included, is there. I have seen “anti-acne” posts everywhere and let me be the first to tell you, it is okay to experience acne. Everyone will experience some form of it at one point or another, it is just part of the journey. Before we dive into this blog the most important information I am here to give you is this: Acne does not make you ugly, having hate does. You are beautiful, you are perfect and you are you. That itself is your super power.
Okay beautiful boys and girls let’s jump in. Puberty, it’s not a walk in the park, right? We’ve got mood swings, body hair, and all these feelings! And for some of us, puberty has manifested itself onto our skin. According to the NY times, about 85% of teens experience acne to some degree. The reason for this is scientific: hormones and genetics. That means the surge of hormones your body is producing is a big factor as well as coming by it honestly, from mom and dad.

Females |
Males |
- Do not pick! I know it is easier said than done. Friction or pressure on the skin can lead to more breakouts and acne scarring, which can be even harder to treat than the acne itself.
- Clean your skin but do not strip your skin! A lot of teens and people in general feel like they need to cleanse their skin multiple times a day when experiencing breakouts and oily skin. This can actually irritate your skin and dry it out. When this happens, your skin feels stripped, freaks out and ends up producing more oil. Cleanse morning and night.
- Don’t stress! Stress does not cause acne but it can trigger breakouts. Find ways to destress such as exercise, yoga or come into Eccotique for our Teen Facial.
- Salicylic acid: Salicylic Acid dives deep into pores, clearing dead skin cells and trapped oils to help wipe out existing and future breakouts.
- Niacinimide: Builds up skin cells and protects. Regulates oil production, fights acne causing bacteria, and helps calm and soothe redness.
- Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants and helps reduce redness and irritation. Can help prevent breakouts.

Dermalogica is one of the few brands that has a skin care line that is specifically designed for teens. The ingredients used and products designed help target teen acne and prevent future breakouts. This range uses ingredients that reduce oil production, irritation and sensitivity. It combines natures botanicals and the science of skin care which is tough on your breakouts and gentle on your skin.

Okay so, an overload of information and I apologize if this felt like a Biology 10 class with all of the big words and science but there you have it. The thing to remember with acne is that you are not alone in your struggle. I deal with it. Kendall Jenner, Selena Gomez, Lili Reinheart and so many others are dealing with it.
I hope that you have learned a lot from reading this today but the thing I care most about informing you on is this: your acne does not define you or your self-worth.